Tel: 00351 213 950 922
Rua de São Ciro nº24 – 1ºesq
1200 – 831 Lisboa Portugal
NIF.: 510593720
Alain Vachier
Email: alainvachier@gmail.com
Tlm.: +351 969 034 922
Anaïs Vachier
Email: espectaculos.alainvachier @ gmail.com
Tlm.:+351 924 475 936
Alain Vachier began to work in the music industry in 1977, he was a member of Cooperativa ERANOVA and the founder
of Vachier & Associados.
In 2013 he created AVM ALAIN VACHIER MANAGEMENT & AVM MUSIC EDITIONS, wich is a company focused on cultural industries, which it’s activity is divided between, Agency, Artists Management, Production of Events and Editing of musical projects.
AVM, is set on three core principles: Quality, Competence and Effectiveness; Either with the artists it represents or with the entities it serves:
- Sales of musical shows for shows in Portugal and abroad.
- Management of artistic careers in its most diverse aspects.
- Creation, production and editing of musical contents, whether in the form of recordings or in the design of audiovisual media inherent to it’s dissemination and commercialization, including distribution and (or) executive production