
Marenostrum “Rua do Peixe Frito” New Album
Marenostrum are a band from the Algarve. Its elements, Zé Francisco, Guitar, Mandolin and Voice | João Frade, Accordion | Lino Guerreiro, Saxophones and Flutes | Paulo Machado, Bass and Accordion | João Janaca, Drums and Percussions. The new album by the band “Rua do Peixe Frito” will arrive in 2019

EL SUR - Último Poema
“Último Poema” It is the single from el Sur that anticipates the album “Todas as Sombras” (and it's a Christmas song, so to speak, according to Eugénio de Andrade) El Sur are a Lisbon group formed by Rui Galveias on guitar, Joana Manuel on voice, Rui Alves on drums, Tiago Néo on bass and João Cardoso on synthesizers. And “Último Poema” is their debut single, composed by them on a poem by Eugénio de Andrade. A dark poem haunted by past Christmas spirits, where only a few carnations and a solitary persimmon shine. In el Sur there are - at least not yet - love poems; rather a desperate song.

16th November 2019
Sebastião Antunes & "Quadrilha" chose for this concert 20 songs that intend to portray the most important phases of its history. By sharing the stage with many guests, the group wants to relive the parties, joys, the good times that over the years have given so much joy to the group and its fans. These are the main reasons for sharing with the public another moment of celebration of life, to the sound of songs that are part of the sentimental memory of many of us. We are a family owned and operated business. The road hours, meetings, records and the comings and goings of many influences. The proposal is to cross in a show the various motivations that moved this "Quadrilha" throughout this time, come together like this different contexts, different moments in the portrait of a way of being that came stating, wandering between the group's last album, “I asked the Time ”and 25 years of good memories always present in your identity.

Sebastião Antunes & Quadrilha | Novo Video
Add Date here
“Um dia em Lisboa”
is the first single from Sebastião Antunes & Quadrilha's new album, "Perguntei ao Tempo". The disc has the participation of several guests and this song has the special participation of Viviane. Disco in stores since May 17th and sale on digital platforms.

Sebastião Antunes & Quadrilha | New CD
17th May 2019
“Perguntei ao Tempo” is the new album by Sebastião Antunes & Quadrilha. This reinterprets some of the group's most emblematic themes, as well as presenting some originals. Maintaining the faithful portrait of the early days, adding to it the modernity to which time takes us is the objective of this work. The disc has the participation of several guests who were truly important in this story: Tim, João Pedro Pais, Viviane, Ana Laíns, Carlos Moisés, Rubi Machado, Rão Kyao and Mário Delgado. In stores on May 17th. Pre-sale on digital platforms.

8 DEC. 21H30

13 DEC. 21H30
Concert at A BARRACA

17th November :: 9PM

Kepa | New Album
23 of November

Freddy Locks | New Album
12th of October
Freddy Locks is an inescapable name of portuguese reggae.
With roots in the mythical punk-rock scene of the Lisbon neigbourhood Alvalade, his path is long and marked by diverse meetings and partnerships with national and international renown musicians and producers. A career dedicated to the vision of a better world, filled with good songs, noble weapons of a warrior that returns in 2018 with more force than ever. Overstand!

Luís Pucarinho | New Album
28th of September

9th February New CD
New CD 9th February
3 Feb. - Concerto no Teatro Municipal Garcia de Resende | ÉVORA
24 Feb - Concert at Cineteatro Curvo Semedo | MONTEMOR
05 April: GAND (Belgium) - De Centrale, Gand
06 April: GAGNY (France) - Théâtre André Malraux, Gagny
08 April: Gala Rádio Amália – Casino de Estoril – Salão Preto e Prata
12 April: SAINT DIZIER - Théâtre de Saint Dizier, France
14 April: CAEN (France), Foyer du Théâtre de Caen
02 June: 20H30 – Opera de Montpellier (França)
06 June: 20H30 – Sala BBK – Bilbau (Espanha)
15 June : 21H30 – Cine Teatro em Ponte de Sor

PESTE & SIDA | Concerts
28th July | 22H00 | Verdoejo Art Rock Fest – Valença
29th July | 22H00 | Parque Dr José Gama - Mirandela
3rd August | 22H00 | Sons na Areia’18 (Foz no Concelho da Lourinha)
16th August | 22H00 | Sol Caparica

6 Jan - Teatro Diogo Bernardes | 21:30 | PONTE DE LIMA | PORTUGAL
19 Jan - Teatro Viriato | 21:30 | OURÉM | PORTUGAL
20 Jan - Auditório do Conservatório de Música | 21:30 | ESPINHO
8 Fev - B'Leza| 22H00 | LISBON | PORTUGAL
24 April – 21H30 - Cine Teatro de Torre de Moncorvo
09 June: 21H30 –Parque Manuel Braga Coimbra
21 June: 21H00 – Museu do Vinho em Anadia
30 June: 21H30 – Jardim Municipal (Ferira de São João) Évora

SINGULAR is the new CD of Sebastião Antunes that is already in pre-sale online: https://itun.es/pt/53stjb
2 Mar - Concert | C.C. Olga de Cadaval | Sintra | Portugal
24 April - Marinha Grande
23 June: 21H30 – (Recinto das Festas) Lagoa de Santo André

25 April – 15H00 – Avenida dos Aliados no Porto

Há Lobos Sem Ser na Serra
New album Cantares do Sul e da Utopia, it will be avalilable on:
Digital format 17th of February
On Stores 3rd of March.

Jorge Rivotti New CD
26th January at 15H at Teatro da Luz.
Live presentation of the new CD Lisboa á Sete on the Radio Show Viva a Música host by Armando Carvalheda.

18 February :: Tribute to Amália, Casino d'Mondorf les Bains, Luxemburg
04 March :: Tribute to Amália, Cenon, Borbeaux, France
13 May :: Tribute to Amália, Lausanne, Switzerland
19 & 20 May :: Canada

Peste & Sida
CD 30 Years Rocking! from Peste & Sida comes free with december Blitz Magazine.
Blitz magazine comes out on the 22nd of november with the exclusive and free CD from Peste & Sida, "30 Anos a Rockar".

Jorge Rivotti | New CD
New CD of Jorge Rivotti, Lisboa a Sete

26th November
Maria Alice live in Almada at Forum Municipal Romeu Correia